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Vaser Liposuction Surgery in India


International Active Member ISAIPS


A procedure introduced in the United States in 1982, liposuction can remove localized collections of tiny fatty tissue in many areas of the body. By using a high vaccum device, the surgeon can suction fat from the legs, buttocks, hips, abdomen, back, arms, face and neck.

The popularity of liposuction is due to the effectiveness of the technique (in the hands of a qualified surgeon) and the fact that it leaves only tiny scars, often less than one-half inch in length.
Liposuction is neither a substitute for proper diet and exercise nor a cure for obesity. To get the most from this procedure, you should be of average weight with extra fat localized in specific areas. It is also important that you have healthy, elastic skin with the capacity to shrink evenly after surgery. Since liposuction removes only fat, it cannot eliminate dimpling or correct skin laxity. The tumescent technique, superficial liposculpture, ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty (UAL) or other variations of conventional liposuction may be recommended by your surgeon., depending on the specific needs and the surgeon's preferred methods of treatment.

If your skin has lost much of its elasticity, your plastic surgeon may recommend a skin tightening procedure (abdominoplasty, thigh lift, buttock lift or arm lift). These procedures are effective but leave more extensive scars.

Following surgery, you will wear a snug dressing or garment, possibly up to several weeks, to promote skin shrinkage and to minimize swelling and skin discoloration. If you have had surgery below the waist, you may be advised to wear a long-legged girdle for a few weeks as you resume your normal routine.

Vaser Liposuction

Vaser or Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance is the trade name for an ultrasound-assisted liposuction system. During Vaser liposuction procedure, fatty tissues are extracted from your body by using sound waves. These sound waves emulsify targeted fat cells. The sound energy gets transmitted through small probes. These sound waves enter the holes and vibrate rapidly to produce ultrasound energy. This energy that penetrates inside your body breaks the cellular membrane and discharges the lipid content.

Vaser liposuction has the advantages of lower blood loss & improved skin retraction & is being offered at the Image Medical Center

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